Dučina, 2014, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Darosava, 2015, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Kolari, 2016, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Sremčica, 2011, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Venčane, 2013, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Belosavci, 2014, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Ranilović, 2013, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Baroševac, 2016, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Kamenovo, 2011, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Slatina, 2013, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Slanci, 2014, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Misača, 2014, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
http://mihailovasiljevic.com/wp-content/uploads/slideshow-gallery/M_Vasiljevic_Trans_2014_05 .jpg
Glibovac, 2014, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Orlovat, 2014, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
http://mihailovasiljevic.com/wp-content/uploads/slideshow-gallery/M_Vasiljevic_Trans_2014_03 .jpg
Sopot, 2015, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Osipaonica, 2016, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Aranđelovac, 2011, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Vicinity of Velika Plana, 2016, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Saraorci, 2016, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Rasna, 2012, from the series "Trans.", c-type print
Trans. [2008–2016]
“Trans.” is an abbreviation for the English word “translation”, but may also imply “transition”, “transit”, or a state of “trance”.
Behind this title stands a relatively large group of photographs taken during eight years of traveling across Serbia. Monuments, people, buildings, signs, labels, fields, cars, fences, building equipment, petrol stations, squares, streets, bridges, commercials, etc. were photographed with the intention of forming a possible image of contemporary Serbia. This cumulative picture is conceived as representative, but not beautified or pathetic – there are no extremes, easy metaphors, or cynicism. The goal was to reach a simple, but intense, recognition of the state of things.
The continuous, quarter of a century long political drama in Serbia has led to a meta-transitional social crisis, and, in the past years, created an atmosphere of surreal balance, an equilibrium in which everything, even formally, becomes devoid of sense. It is impossible to criticise or praise such circumstances in which the past and present blend into one; they can only be documented. [MV]
Trans. [2008–2016]
„Trans.“ je skraćenica za englesku reč za „prevod“ (translation), ali može da znači i „tranziciju“, „tranzit“ ili „stanje transa“.
Iza ovog naslova stoji relativno velika grupa fotografija nastalih tokom osam godina putovanja po Srbiji. Spomenici, ljudi, zgrade, znakovi, nalepnice, njive, automobili, ograde, mašine, stanice, trgovi, ulice, mostovi, reklame, itd. snimani su sa ciljem formiranja moguće slike savremene Srbije. Ova slika treba da bude reprezentativna, ali ne ulepšana i patetična – bez ekstrema, prostih metafora i cinizma. Cilj je bio postići jednostavnu, ali intenzivnu konstataciju o stanju stvari.
Stalna politička drama u Srbiji dovela je do metatranzicione društvene krize i, poslednjih godina, do neke vrste nestvarne ravnoteže, ekvilibrijuma u kome se i formalno gubi svaki smisao. Nemoguće je kritikovati ili afirmisati ovakvo stanje u kome se prošlost i sadašnjost preklapaju; moguće ga je samo dokumentovati. [MV]